2018 BAPWA Riding Season




This year 2018 we had:

41 Members

5 Guest

Averaged 16 riders per event.

Average Full Day of Riding 98.8 miles per day.

Traveled over 19,602 miles total on the planned rides.

On 19 Yamaha's, 6 SeaDoo's, 3 Honda's, and 3 Kawasaki's.

Shared 822 photos.


San Bernard River Ride Wallisville Ride Bastrop Bayou Baton Rouge Weekend
Taylor's Bayou Caney Creek Lake Charles Galveston/Oyster Bayou
Nibletts/Black Bayou Lake Arthur San Jacinto River Officers Choice Dickinson Bayou

Formed in 1991 BAPWA's primary purpose is to promote water safety and to give Personal Watercraft owners an opportunity to have fun with coordinated and planned rides. We have an organized ride planned every couple of weeks starting in April continuing into October. Most are single day rides and last about 7 hours with several breaks and often a stop for fuel and lunch.